Our first open-source project: Rubyblok
Easing the integration of Storyblok Headless CMS into Rails Websites

Background, the problem

Efficient content management is key for businesses striving to deliver compelling user experiences in today's digital marketing era.
Our client, a leading parcel delivery platform,
faced common challenges such as:
- frequent content updates across multiple platforms,
- the need for dynamic content display based on user types
- and lack of autonomy from developers for content updates.

Rubyblok, our solution

Our solution consisted of a headless CMS integration into their Ruby on Rails application to streamline content management processes and improve scalability.
Since this worked out well for our clients' challenges, we have decided to extract the core logic of the solution into an open-source Ruby gem, Rubyblok.
Designed specifically for Rails applications, Rubyblok offers a fast integration with Storyblok, a headless CMS platform. This solution offers content caching, visual editing and cross-platform synchronization. Check out our GitHub repository for detailed docs and examples.

Key Benefits

- Rubyblok offers a fast way to integrate a visual CMS into a Rails app, empowering developers with a solution that builds on the proven foundations provided by Storyblok. Storyblok allows website, mobile and other client-side apps to have their content synchronized and updated all in one place.
- Content editors enjoy a better experience with a visual editing interface, providing real-time previews as they create new content and have more autonomy for publishing.
- Content caching boosts performance by minimizing API calls, triggered only when content is updated. This also enables additional features within the host application, like content backup, global content search and dynamic content switching based on user types.

Simplify your content
management with us

Rubyblok is a valuable asset to enhance content management capabilities within a Rails application. By leveraging our open-source gem, developers can successfully overcome integration challenges, unlock new levels of flexibility and scalability, and ultimately deliver better user experiences.

Visit rubyblok.com to learn more and explore our range of developer tools and solutions.